General Information.

Empowering 'the one'
Network marketing has always been the natural way that musicians have traditionally sold their music but apparently its the latest thing to hit the marketing and financial services sector. If you are a musician, friend of a musician, or a producer, you will know that word-of-mouth is the most effective way to improve the likelyhood of your favorite music being heard by the masses.
take control
SIGN-UP to Premium Membership and you can get to do what you do naturally and make money at thesame time without having to change your internet usage or habits. The beauty of this prodcut is that it lets you promote ARTISTS, and other Products as you chat along with your friends on other social network sites.

All you have to do is SIGN-UP, choose your favorite product or Artist, then go to your social networking sites and talk about your favorite things as you would do (normally).


support structure snd professionalism
1. Sign-up... Click here
2. Browse artists, members and songs
3. Choose a product/artist to promote
4. Copy  paste your personilised link (given to you on sign-up)
5. Let your friends know about your favorite product/artist (using your link)
6. Go to your HOME PAGE and check your earnings
7. Request payment (we can either pay you directly into your account or via PAYPAL or you can request a money transfer via MoneyGram or Western Union)


Current Promotions.

giving back to our members.
Sign-up 100 friends and get free LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP